How to Deserve the Cross

teleoise - it is finished

The Good News is Jesus died once – for all. We need not earn the gift of salvation. To earn it would make it a wage. To pay for it would make it a purchase. There are not enough hours in the week, nowhere to clock in and record the hours it would take to…

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False Accusations and The Savior of the World

Three Important Things to Remember About Jesus: Stop the False Accusations A false accusation, especially on the head of someone who is entirely humble is all the more pitiable.  Our oldest biological son John, aka the #marinebaby, recently called from his current assignment to tell us that we could take him off our cell phone…

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Stealing Jesus and Grace: When I Knew it Was Right

Stealing Jesus and Grace: When I Knew it Was Right 5

For the record, stealing is wrong.  It can change your life… forever. My first book, Stolen Jesus: An Unconventional Search for the Real Savior is on the shelves of Barnes and Noble.  Kathie Lee Gifford tweeted her adoration for it.  It rages a battle with 1991 classic written by Benny Hinn for the first place…

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Lost and Removed Parenting: Holding it Together, Falling Apart

By 3:45 am I had lost it, removed myself – was barely holding it together and completely falling apart. I really do need to correct my verbiage.  A few weeks ago our long term foster placement was returned to her birth home. #Joybaby was with us for 18-months.  Our grief is substantial. I should say,…

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One Day at a Time: How to Battle the Enemy Like a Boss

One Day at a Time: How to Battle the Enemy Like a Boss 2

One Day at a Time: How to Battle the Enemy Like a Boss We didn’t exactly evacuate from the Houston area because of Hurricane Harvey, we were leaving for the weekend anyway. We were returning to the Abilene area, from which we moved recently, which you can read about here, for a couple of reasons. …

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Get a Bikini Ready Body In Two Easy Steps

Get a Bikini Ready Body In Two Easy Steps

Get a bikini ready body.  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t frequent the Dr. Oz page.   The desire starts early.  Our fourteen-year-old just performed in a recital and when she watched the video after she said, “Oh my gosh, my abs are a mess.” While choosing her swimsuit, she lamented the same.…

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Best Tips for Effective Parenting for Every Parent

Best Tips for Effective Parenting for Every Parent 1

October 1999, I thought I had the parenting thing down pat. I could have easily written tips on what I knew then about effective parenting for every parent. I would have been wrong.   Mary Margaret, aka Maggie, Magpie, and the Magster was easy… even if we thought she was hard.  I did, in fact,…

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