Fresh Hate and Jesus Fish

I am getting some “fresh hate.” For the most part, it rolls off me.  I am not a mean person. I love Jesus.  We are tight.  But I don’t like to shove Him down people’s throats.  And I certainly never want to misrepresent Him.   So my mom was in a car accident.  It was…Read…

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THE STUFFING: Truth, Tradition, Carbs

the stuffing

THE STUFFING: Truth, Tradition, Carbs Its increase is legend. It can be too dry… worse still, too moist. It can go in the bird, however, if no caution is taken this method can quickly ruin every Thanksgiving from now until forever.  You only have to get Salmonella at one Thanksgiving Day feast to #neverforget. This…

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The Meet the Teacher Fallacy

The Meet the Teacher Fallacy 2

It is that time of year, time to meet the teacher. I am not pro-homeschool, public, private, co-op, military (best money we ever spent), charter, un or free range. The way I see it, you do what ya gotta do. And I have tried them all. This year our daughter will graduate from college. She…

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Goodbye, Cruel Summer…

Goodbye, Cruel Summer... 6

Goodbye, cruel summer.  You with your long days and sleepy vibe.  It has been good. I have a four-season soul.  But I live in a state with only two seasons; summer and winter. Summer takes up 80% of the year. But the real summer, the summer where the kids sleep in until 11 and there…

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My Cups Runneth Over…

My Cups Runneth Over...

Wow. You are very subtle. Not really, I know you know there is marinara on my right breast.  Just above the chocolate stain from last week. And I know you know I know you looked at it and can’t seem to stop looking at it. I am not a slob. This is how I am…

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Natural Birth & Inflatable Swimming Pools

When did "natural childbirth" start involving inflatable wading pools? 2

I am old. This is what the new batch of our babies have to look forward to. They have an old mom. And she’s way behind the times. They will to go school with kids that were birthed into swimming pools… In their living rooms! Am I new? I am just hearing about this. I saw the Duggars doing “natural” deliveries in a bath tub..

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