12 steps can’t help me…
When the package from Amazon arrived I searched my foggy brain for some memory of what I had ordered. I order things from Amazon with quick draw speed. In a showdown in the streets of the old west – you’d be pushing up daisies. Since the conception of the Amazon Prime Pantry – I have…
Read MoreGo, and Don’t Believe Everything I Taught You…
Go, and Don’t Believe Everything I Taught You… The last couple weeks of my parenting journey have been epic. As of a month ago we have seven children, they range in age from 5 months to 20 years. The littles have run me ragged. I am feeling every single one of my 44 years. And…
Read MoreDon’t Pick Me…
Have you seen the ridiculous Vagisil commercial where the woman walks up to a group of her “friends” and they visibly shun her because of her feminine odor? I am including the link below. Is this what the media really thinks goes on among women? And if so, the media is merely comprised of 7…
Read MoreReal Mom
Today is the anniversary of the birth of my real motherhood. The delivery was painful, joyful, and earth shattering. I had given birth four times before. I had miscarried once. I have a negative threshold for physical pain – I had 4 failed epidurals. Well, one completely numbed my right foot, but that’s another story.…
Read MoreThe high price of seduction…
I fell for sugary promises and fanciful lies. In my folly, in the wee hours of a cold January morning I ignored every impulse to run. I foolishly succumbed to temptation. I had an out. I ignored it. He was handsome. Dark eyes. Dark hair. Carmel skin. He put his hands on my cheeks and…
Read MoreMind the Gap
Several years ago my parents took my husband, myself and our, then, four children to the UK on vacation. During our wanderings we had opportunities to ride the underground subway system in London. As the cars would come to a stop and passengers would load and unload a Bristish woman’s voice would come over a…
Read MoreWhat Mom is this…
I am the worst Christmas mom. I don’t mean to be. And I come from a long line of Christmas greats, I really have no excuse. My mom celebrates Christmas with the zeal of little orphan Annie with daddy Warbucks’ credit card. And my grandma Mickey? Don’t get me started. The baking, the handmade teddy…
Read MoreEPIC PARENTING: A How to Guide
Allow me to teach you a thing or two. It is at this point you will want to run screaming from this post. Fine. You asked for it. When our oldest daughter, Mary Margaret, code name Maggie, was about 3 it started. If she got into any trouble, say for biting her brother John, she…
Read MoreConfessions of a Potential Child Abuser
I recently saw one of those Facebook memes, CLICK LIKE if you hate child abuse. SHARE to STOP child abuse. I did nothing. Our foster-to-adopt journey has been the scariest, saddest, most joyful, rollercoaster of my life. I have learned a few things: It’s not about me. Every foster to adopt story begins with a…
Read MoreSomething wicked….
I had big plans for my Wednesday. It was Mother’s Day Out. The vandals would be gone all day. I have four chapter revisions to do. Laundry is separated into piles in the hallway. We were gone six days last week, and there is lots to do to get “caught up.” A concept I don’t…
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