Jesus Be All Over You, and You Too
The first time I said, “Jesus be all over you,” in public, I think I was on a Facebook live.
Actually, I have said it to my kids for years.
And my mom always said, “Lord be with you.”
Truth be told, I always answered back, “Thanks.”
And my family answers back the same, “Thanks.”
I guess it is only polite to acknowledge a blessing on your way out the door with a “thank you.”
But today as Justin, my husband, was headed out the door for a long drive, I chirped, “Jesus be all over you!” And he chirped back, “Thanks!”
And I stopped in my tracks.
Because, just for a minute, I wanted to recount what it means when I say it.
I know, we say stuff. And an “I love you,” in all its glory, can lose its luster, if I cease to make eye contact. Or worse, use it to manipulate or deflect.
Actually, I have completely stopped signing anything, “LOVE YA!”
Because, if I am going to use love, I want to own it.
Honestly, someone signed something to me in a text the other day that said, “Love ya!” and I was hobbled for an appropriate retort.
Seriously, I was fumbling for words, which is totally infrequent. But I didn’t know the person, so “I love you,” would have been… awkward. And “LOVE YA!” seems overused, displaced, and cliché.
So, I went with, “Well, thanks new found friend! Jesus be all over you!”
As a wordsmith, I know that there is plenty to be said about what we say. But there are some things, I truly hope to say, that remain sacred.
I know we have shortened our statements, making them easier to text.
I know we have either hardened or softened to the F word, which was THE word you NEVER said, just a few years ago. Now, it doesn’t even get an R rating in movies, it is everywhere. And no one seems too bothered by it.
Frankly, (a good F word,) I am not a fan of the complacency that has come about in reference to the F word. I have heard the arguments, “it is just a made-up word,” and “it isn’t in the Bible.”
Okay, you’re right. It isn’t. And, yes, I have said it on occasion. If you clip your pinky toe on a bed frame, well, sometimes, nothing else will do. So, I am not here to lecture or judge, that word, just isn’t for me.
Anymore, if a movie has it, I am just so put off, I pick something else.
Truly, get a thesaurus. There are exponential ways to tear someone down or labor disgust, hate, or non-sense, without ever using that word.
I find it is actually losing its ground as the worst word you can say, simply from overuse.
And that was my thought, as I watched Justin walk out the door on his way out of town.
“Jesus be all over you!”
Wait, just because I say it all the time, doesn’t mean I don’t mean it.
“Jesus be all over you,” roughly translated means this:
Jesus, keep him well.
Justin, never stop being the good man you are, you are His hands and feet.
Oh! Jesus, remind him you are near!
Please, Jesus, grant him favor.
Justin, Jesus knows you see the little guy. And Jesus knows you are honest and kind. He is for you and with you. Jesus loves you even more than I.
And Jesus, renew his heart and mind.
Stay near, whisper in His ear; love, encouragement, generosity, patience, perseverance, and most of all, faith.
My sweet Jesus, you know the trials, you have seen the heartbreak. Remember him, remember how he loved those little foster loves… how he still misses them. How much he still misses that little girl, the one that called him “daddy.” Heal and restore, you are the Author of restoration. Remember him.
Jesus be all over everything this wonderful man does and says.
Go before him and filter out negativity and harsh words.
Bring him sunshine and a cool breeze.
Let him never run out of water, you know, he hates to be thirsty.
Please, let his truck run smoothly and, although I will never understand his choice of song, please, let his playlist load with ease.
Grant him wisdom above all else.
Jesus, help him earn a fair wage to provide for the family he so loves.
Protect his health, his mind, and his body.
Be all over everything he does and says. Use him as a light in the darkness, bringing hope to the nations. Let him fish for men with word and deeds of how good You are.
And please Jesus, bring him back soon, safe and sound.
In your Sweet Son’s precious name, Amen.
Perhaps this post won’t rank well. It is very likely, it will go unseen. For algorithms and AdWords think Jesus is a bad word. But oh, how I love His name. And as words starting with F seem to flood the internet and as hearts and minds are overloaded with complacency, and as the word, “Christianity” is followed by hate and distaste, know this, I still believe.
I will put “I” in front of “love ya.”
And I will own my mistakes, both grammatical, political, and carb count related.
Right now, I have decided, that I won’t try and trademark the statement, “Jesus be all over you,” because I never meant it to be a fad. And yes, the lawyers have emailed and texted, “perhaps you would be rich?”
But I am at ease with the response, “Yes, I already am.”
Jesus, He is Lord over my house.
And He is comfort, peace, and truth.
Though I may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid. For He is all over me.
And I pray, “Jesus be all over you too.”
May your floors be sticky and your calling ordained™ Love, Jami (hehe)
[bctt tweet=”Jesus be all over you! I mean it… ” quote=”Jesus be all over you! I mean it… “]
Exodus 14:14 “The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.”
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[…] Read Jami's Post Jesus Be All Over You […]
This made me smile for so many reasons!
I love you.
I say again, God has given you such a wonderful gift with words and how to put them together. Bless you, my friend
Thank you Mary. Have a beautiful day my friend… J
Love this. Love how much we can pack into that statement.
Exodus 14:14 “The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.”
I think this might be my new favorite verse.
I just finished Sacred Ground. I wish we could do coffee:). Sometime maybe I will email you.
I would love that…
This is a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing with us your God given gift and this beautiful message.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10 NIV
God bless you and your family.
Thank you!
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[…] your heart and the hopes you have for this child. Of all the things I did wrong the words, “Jesus be all over you baby!” were always right. He will go with them. As bad as it gets, remind them of this. Yes, you […]
[…] Sam said, “I had a badder dream. Say to me, ‘Jesus be all over you,’ so I can go back to […]
[…] blogger who I follow on facebook, Jami Amerine, uses the phrase, “Jesus Be All Over You” and every time I read it, the image of someone’s face appears in my mind. Because […]