Come Monday: Fresh Starts, Hope, and Jesus, All I Need…
Monday, Monday…Come Monday: Fresh Starts, Hope, and Jesus: Alas, it is Monday again. A fresh start? A fresh week… yes.
What is it that I am hoping to accomplish this week.
With Monday before me…
What will I fail at and what will I excel?
I would be lying if I told you I was refreshed after the weekend. It was less than restful, I was in need of refreshment. All I could think was, I was in need of a break, from the break.
And while some of the time, when things are frustrating and disappointing, it is easy to call God the scapegoat for my struggle.
This has been my mantra.
He was teaching me a harsh lesson or upping the pressures as a test.
What a wicked thought process. What an exhaustive existence.
So this Monday I asked Him, “What should I say to encourage when I feel so discouraged?”
In the midst of my muddled brain, I barely made out the words, “Tell them what I am… I am love… tell them I love them and exactly what that looks like.”
In the stupor of a bad allergic reaction and gale force Texas winds which have robbed me of creativity, hope and my voice…. I remembered 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 the love is scripture. And in a flash I recounted my sister’s revamping of the familiar fancy:
Jesus is patient.
Jesus is kind.
No, Jesus does not envy.
Jesus does not boast.
Jesus is not proud.
No, Jesus does not dishonor others.
Jesus is not self-seeking.
Nope, Jesus is not easily angered.
Jesus keeps no record of wrongs.
No, Jesus does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
Yes, Jesus always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.
No, Jesus never fails…
[clickToTweet tweet=”Jesus always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. No, Jesus never fails…” quote=”Jesus always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Jesus never fails…”]
Yes, on this Monday morning when I promised to encourage and I feel defeat I will look to Jesus.
So on this day when I am weary, He is my rock and my salvation.
On this new dawn when I am unsure of plan or success He is the way the truth and the light.
I rejoice on this first day of this week in February, He is all I need for freedom.
For He is my identity.
I delight, He is my strong armor.
I give praise, for He is my love…
He will guide me in wisdom and fill my lungs with life.
When I am in need He will answer me.
He is for me.
Yes, He is for my marriage.
Certainly, He is for my children, for they are His.
He is for my growth and healing. He is the answer to every question.
The solution to every struggle.
What is this love, that knows no boundaries?
That is perfect and casts out all fears?
His name is Jesus.
Jesus is my love.
May your floors be sticky and your calling ordained. Love, Jami
1 Corinthians 10:23 Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial.
You must read: The problem with dead Christians, they’re still dead.
Sweet Jamie,
The days not over yet so there’s time left yet for Him to surprise you.
You know how He loves to send us those unexpected blessings.
Let’s see if today might be one of those days?
I wonder what He’ll send?
Anticipation sure beats apprehension doesn’t it?
Love ya,
Debbie Sudrovech
PS you need a good laugh…try here!
Key word. Clean jokes/laugh factory……..hope it makes you smile!
Thank you Debbie! ❤
You are very welcome!
Sweet Jamie,
The days not over yet so there’s time left yet for Him to surprise you.
You know how He loves to send us those unexpected blessings.
Let’s see if today might be one of those days?
I wonder what He’ll send?
Anticipation sure beats apprehension doesn’t it?
Love ya,
Debbie Sudrovech
PS you need a good laugh…try here!
Key word. Clean jokes/laugh factory……..hope it makes you smile!
Windy days and Mondays always get me down…
I need to print out multiple copies of this and pin them up all over my house <3