Dear Moms – You are Freaking Amazing!
Sunday, our 14-year-old daughter Sophie, in spite of inconvenience beyond measure, finagled her way to church. I know, appalling behavior, don’t worry she’s grounded for a week. We live thirty minutes from our church, on a ranch. I was out of town, 3 hours away. My husband was home alone with Sophie, Sam and Charlie (the vandals), and our one-year-old foster daughter.
Sophie wanted to go to church. She got a ride into town with my sister, spent the night with a friend, and then rode to church with the friend and her family. As church came to a close, I got a text message from Sophie.
“Who is picking me up from church?”
I sent her a seething, truly it was inappropriate, text back. I attacked her character, her wayward teenage ways, and grounded her from Jesus.
Panic set in, I was three hours away. I knew Justin couldn’t get to her quickly with all three littles.
Our oldest daughter was with me in the Metroplex, and my sister’s church didn’t get out for another hour. My only hope was – the manbabies.
Manbaby one would be up, he’s an early riser. But, he was preparing for a big biology exam. Manbaby two would not be up for another three hours, and he wouldn’t answer his phone. So, I texted manbaby one who was studying in his dorm.
Me: Manbaby ONE! 911! Go to your brother’s dorm and wake him up and tell him to call me immediately!
MB1: What?
Seriously, he wants me to repeat a text message?
Me: Son, don’t ask me what, just read it again….
MB1: OK.
MB1: He’s not answering.
Me: Son, open the door and tell him to stop and then call me.
MB1: He won’t answer.
MB2: I can’t call you my roommate is asleep. Why did you send John to my dorm he took a picture of me sleeping.
Me: I need you to go get Sophie from church and take her to the ranch.
MB2: What day.
MB2: Why can’t John?
Me: He has a test.
MB2: CRAP! What day is it???? I have a test too!!!!
Me: NO, it’s Sunday. I need you to go to the church and get Sophie.
MB2: Why does John have a test on SUNDAY???? I think he’s lying.
MB2: Fine. But John doesn’t have classes on Sunday.
Me: Thank you.
MB2: Mom?
Me: Yes.
MB2: I am out of gas…
An hour later, money transferred to checking accounts, a long “texting to” with Miss Sophie, she arrived at home, and I got back to the busy work I was intentionally out of town to do.
I came home to a spotless house, a birthday cake, presents, flowers, and happy littles. We celebrated my 45th birthday and then we watched the debate. #semiexactly #jesuscomequickly
As I lie in bed this morning, grateful to be home, the rain dancing on our tin roof, I realized how much I have to do today. And I have the usual; laundry, lessons with the vandals and Sophie, errands, dinner, and work. But the largest work of motherhood isn’t the usual… it is the unusual.
Rampant weirdness. Teens selfishly attempting to go worship the God of the Universe. Trying to wake a sleeping manbaby from 180 miles away. Arranging foster care license visits, adoption delays, reminding people where to be, when, and what day it is. Text messages explaining where pants and shoes are kept, or how to make a grilled cheese sandwich in the shape of a T-rex, or brontosaurus if it is Wednesday after 1:00. Bank transactions, gas money, special ordering pants; size 26×38 and then fielding phone calls from OLD NAVY – “yes, yes I am sure I meant 26×38.”
Furthermore, it is the work of relationship.
You’re doing great.
I am sorry I texted you that in anger, you aren’t really grounded from Jesus.
I believe in you, make an appointment with your tutor, I’ll transfer more money.
Please kiss the babies goodnight for me.
I love you.
And the reality is these things go utterly unnoticed unless a mom finds time to blog about them. Yet, they are life giving, life-shaping and life altering. The ridiculous shenanigans of trying to manage a family whether you have 1 child or 12 are GLORY work. And the minuscule, unnoticed, unpaid for, and irrational are all integral in the making of high functioning and fabulous humans.
So, as I lie here and listen to the rain this morning, I am thinking about all the mommas I encountered this last week at my MOPS talks; The frazzled, the perfected, the joyful, sad, tired, pregnant, nursing, and casserole toting. I spoke on a variety of topics, but on this Tuesday morning, I wanted to remind you each; You are doing a fabulous job. No one can do it better than you. For such a time as this, no matter the chaos or control – you are doing a freaking amazing job!
Be encouraged!
Don’t watch the debate highlights!
Grab some coffee!
Put Elmo on replay!
I have to get the cheese whiz out from between the piano keys. This is the Lord’s work, and I am among the called.
May your floors be sticky and your calling ordained.
Psalm 103:20-21 (NASB) “Bless the LORD, you His angels, mighty in strength, who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word! Bless the LORD, all you His hosts, you who serve Him, doing His will.”
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The usual is dull. Its the unusual which makes life interesting. 🙂
As always your blog post speaks to me even though my babies are grown and married. Thank you for the reminders of what their lives are now so that when I think “why haven’t I heard from (insert one of two names since one of htem calls as she’s driving to her job each morning at 6:30 am)” I will immediately remember WHY I haven’t heard from (insert one of two names).
Have a wonderful day and thank you for another wonderful read.
i just love Jami Amerine and how did you get my kids over house ? lol
i left out “your”
Love, love, love…
Yes! All of this! With four of six kids still at home (and we have a Charlie & Sam, too!) I understand how the “ridiculous shenanigans” of family management become “glory work.” Now if I can just remember this in the midst of chaos…
Jami, I know you wrote this to moms, but I am claiming it. I totally bombed last night with my daughter. She watched the debate, expressed her discontentment and concern, and then talked about her plans to watch the next one. I told her she was crazy and deserved to feel just as bad after the second one; after all, didn’t she learn from this first one?!? #fail But I apologized and affirmed her desire to be educated and informed. But man, did I almost blow it.
It should be to daddies too Paul. Justin worked his butt off this week while I was home. Parenting is not for whimps. And I had no words after the debate… Oh except… I am not watching the next one!!!!
I can’t tell you how much I love reading your blogs. They remind me of what I went through when my kids were still at home and they always puts a smile on my face! Love your perspective!
Totally have been thinking of this same thing.. my daughter and grandbaby were just here for several days and it brought back so many memories of juggling six crazy kiddos and all the things that happened during those cheerio years. And how many times I was asked if I worked. Motherhood was my full and first career choice and now with 5 launched and one starting to stretch his wings I am so thankful for every moment… well .. almost every moment:-)
While I applaud the goal (getting to church), …oh my…..I’m glad she’s ungrounded from Jesus, but one of mine would probably not be enjoying the rest of the week after that! (Good thing we live right next to church…) Much love to you and yours, Jami!
Laughing at yourself when your child or children have frustrated you to the point of making a run for the border calls for forgiveness for your errant off spring, and especially forgiven
Oops, cat attack! Forgiveness for your own less than stellar reaction makes for awesome parents.
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You always put a smile on my face. So glad you linked up with us at #RechargeWednesday! Look forward to reading more and more. Blessings, Freaking Amazing Mom 🙂
I am not a Mom but an Aunt that seems to have to deal with so much of the things that for some reason my baby sister won’t or can’t. This gave me a lot of support. Thank you!
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