Forgiveness for Real: Freedom and the Hole in Your Tent


Forgiveness for Real: Freedom and the Hole in Your Tent There are many aspects to forgiveness. First, I propose, forgiveness starts with identity.  Stay with me, I promise, I will get to the person or persons who you can’t forgive. I am going to start by saying something very important. You are forgiven. And no,…

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Best Tips for Effective Parenting for Every Parent

Best Tips for Effective Parenting for Every Parent 1

October 1999, I thought I had the parenting thing down pat. I could have easily written tips on what I knew then about effective parenting for every parent. I would have been wrong.   Mary Margaret, aka Maggie, Magpie, and the Magster was easy… even if we thought she was hard.  I did, in fact,…

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