How to be a Cool Good Mom in a Bad Mom World

How to be a Cool Good Mom in a Bad Mom World 3

How to be a Cool Good Mom in a Bad Mom World, I am not the worst mom in the world, and it is still kind of funny…  My five-year-old just offered me a quarter to tell him where his Halloween candy is.  And this could be one of those incidents where we broo-ha-ha over a…

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Stinking Scared: The Smell of Fear

Stinking Scared: The Smell of Fear

What does fear smell like?  I imagine something comes to mind. Yesterday, the oldest vandal, our son Sam came stumbling from his bedroom.  Sleepy hair stood on end, he yawned and scratched his bum. “Good morning Sam.” I chirped. “Mom,” he yawned. “What’s dat smell I smell wook like?” The smell he smelled looked like blueberry muffins,…

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