Questions about Sin… Asking for a Friend

So I know this girl, and she was wondering, “When I ask you how to overcome your sin, what do you think about?” And I had to answer…  “My sin.” So she went on to investigate: So you go to work on your sin.  You pray about it. You read about it.  You listen to…

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Grace in Chains: Freedom in Christ is Yours

Grace in Chains 4

Grace in Chains: Freedom in Christ is Yours The truth was, I was in chains, I was in bondage to the law.  No, I didn’t know about Grace… I lived in chains Every generation has a title… I guess my original batch of four is the millennials. They get a bad rap, but so did…

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Welcome to Crazy Town

I live with crazy people. At any given moment something weird happens. Recently I was at an appointment for one of my miniature residents, answering questions about her. When asked to describe the wee human, my end of the conversation sounded dubious: No she won’t eat anything cold, wet, or slimy. Yes, she prefers to eat…

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The Evolution of Chill

The Evolution of Chill 6

I am neither the best mom nor am I the worst.  We don’t have a perfect family… but I think we are getting by just fine. I am pretty chill. This is a miracle. For a long time, family members were suspicious that I was going to be my Grandma Jean incarnate.  And Grandma Jean…

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Follow the Leader, Lead the Follower

When our oldest biological son John was three, he already had it. When his younger brother Luke was three, he had it too. Charisma? A captivating charm; different in a sense, John’s was a presence.  Luke’s was more a shameful gorgeousness, accompanied by enormous dimples, seductive stare, and delightful magnetism. Once at soccer practice for…

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The #1 Gift I Refuse to Give My Children for Christmas

Jami Amerine christmas gift

The #1 Gift I Refuse to Give My Children for Christmas It’s starting.  The commercials are legend.  Somewhere, someone is concocting the next Christmas lampoon of how one boy and his loyal dog must SAVE CHRISTMAS.  Some evil mastermind wants to steal the joy. Maybe he wants to kill all the reindeer. Could he be…

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If/Then Jesus: Grace 101

If/Then Jesus...

An If – Then Jesus If I put the baby to bed too early, then I will have to get up too early. And, if the toddlers take a nap in the car, then I will have to start eating cheezits by 3 pm. Goodness, if I don’t put the laundry away as soon as it…

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When Jesus Isn’t Enough​

Sometimes, I joke about Xanax and wine. Truth be told, I rarely drink. And not because of my religious convictions.  I rarely drink because of my weight struggles and thyroid disease/autoimmune troubles. Something I love NOT to talk about. When I have to fly, which apparently is like once a month, I almost always have…

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This is Grace…

This is Grace... 7

One of my dearest friends has a daughter named Grace.  She is an effervescent character.  My words will hardly do justice. Bear with me. She reads when others eat.. drink, alternatively, breathe.  I once caught her reading an oatmeal canister. She then commented on the dullness by which the instant oats were penned.   Another…

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