Marine Mom: The Few, The Proud, The Hysterical

Marine Mom: The Few, The Proud, The Hysterical 2

I am in San Diego with my family and my son’s sweetheart. He just graduated from Marine Bootcamp. I am offically a Marine mom. Boo, aka Sugar Bum, is a Marine. Which makes me, Boo’s mom, a Marine mom. The draft ended in 1973, except for moms of the enlisted.  We still are being drafted.  The…

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Theology vs. Geology

I was raised by a geologist. We took back roads and winding passes in search of isolated camp sites and undisturbed grounds. I was always proud to take my dad’s collection of trilobites and quartz to show and tell.  I loved to hear about dinosaur digs and ancient mysterious beasts. My parents were Christians, I…

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