How to be a Cool Good Mom in a Bad Mom World

How to be a Cool Good Mom in a Bad Mom World 3

How to be a Cool Good Mom in a Bad Mom World, I am not the worst mom in the world, and it is still kind of funny…  My five-year-old just offered me a quarter to tell him where his Halloween candy is.  And this could be one of those incidents where we broo-ha-ha over a…

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Natural Birth & Inflatable Swimming Pools

When did "natural childbirth" start involving inflatable wading pools? 2

I am old. This is what the new batch of our babies have to look forward to. They have an old mom. And she’s way behind the times. They will to go school with kids that were birthed into swimming pools… In their living rooms! Am I new? I am just hearing about this. I saw the Duggars doing “natural” deliveries in a bath tub..

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