MOS: Mom’s Out Syndrome

Mom's Out Syndrome MOS

MOS: Mom’s Out Syndrome Mom’s Out Syndrome or MOS (Much like the green fungus that grows in the shade, deprived of sunlight. You can dissect the metaphor.) is a phenomenon that happens in families when a mom is out of commission due to illness, injury, mental collapse, dismemberment, death of a loved one, or now…

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Stuff We As a Society Don’t Understand

don't understand

Stuff We As a Society Don’t Understand If nothing else, the COVID-19 Pandemic has given us all plenty to talk about, at a distance of course, sometimes.  Although, there is a bunch we as a society don’t understand.  I am no expert, but, not to brag, I am coming up on my third book launch…

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Pee First: A Bladder Story

pee first

Pee First: A Bladder Story I full-blown peed my pants this week.  I wasn’t laughing. And, I didn’t sneeze.  No, I just should have taken my own advice.  Pee first.   It really isn’t fair.  I am basically a fit woman.  Granted, I have given birth 4 times, to HUGE headed babies. Then I adopted two…

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The Mom Car: Where Coolness and Life Collide

The Mom Car by Jami Amerine

The Mom Car:  Where Coolness and Life Collide Remember, remember the deep unquenchable need, the need for speed?  Truthfully, there was only .000005% of the population of teenage girls that were granted that most coveted of wishes, a pink Camaro with vanity plates, secretly staged in the driveway. We imagined a big red bow, for…

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