Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying: “When are you due?”

Stuff I Wish You'd Quit Saying: "When are you due?"

Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying: “When are you due?” Welcome!  And Happy October to you!  This is day ONE of a fun little challenge I entered, and I had the hardest time deciding what I could blog about 31 times.  I prayed and studied and went through some old posts… and then it hit…

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And Then a Riot Broke Out in Target!

And Then a Riot Broke Out in Target! 2

I was dropping Sophie (our 13-year-old) at piano lessons, and one of the toddlers said, “bye-bye Bobbie! I wub you. Dank du!” Another toddler responded, “No! Bebe, you using da wrong WORBS! It’s bye-bye GOGIE! And you don’t say dank you to her. She didn’t gib you nuffin’…”

The wrong words.

I had 126 messages this morning when I woke up. An Open Letter to My Children has gone out into the cyber world and had itself a heck of a run. This morning it had been viewed 500,000 times on Word Press. It was republished on For Every Mom and has been shared over 7,000 times on that site. And while some of you may think that is a crying shame let me use my words to say a few things.

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praying blue and green design

The salt water burned my eyes.  If I was pulled to the depths one more time, I wouldn’t be coming back.  Between the strong undertow and bikini top wrapped around my neck; I was surely about to die.  Modesty out the window, I broke the surface for the last time and yelped “help!” As an…

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