Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying: You’ll Catch Up

Stuff I Wish You'd Quit Saying: You'll Catch Up 1

Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying: You’ll Catch Up…  No. I won’t. And you know what, I don’t care. I spend my life playing catch up. 1. Catch up the laundry. 2. Catch up the shopping. 3. Catch up the bills. 4. Catch up the house work. 5. Catch up my bible study. Catch up……

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Day 16: My baby is dead, please don’t say…

baby blue shoes knit

Guest Blog by Shelly D. Templin Words of wisdom from a grieving mother? Um, when you are a grieving mother, wisdom seems elusive. You aren’t really concerned about being wise. You are just trying to breathe through the pain. And then someone says something that makes you want to stop breathing. Almost twenty years ago,…

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Stuff I Wish You’d Stop Saying: Mom, Are you Awake?

Stuff I Wish You’d Stop Saying: Mom, Are you Awake? In our house, there are a number of ways to wake Justin and me. Screaming your head off for, yet another, bottle in the middle of the night or even pooping your pants is very effective. Our teenage sons like to watch horror flicks and…

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