Your Sister in Christ, A. Butthead
The other day we saw a television program on co-sleeping. My husband, Justin went on a mini rant.
“What is wrong with those people?” he barked. “That is twisted. Why would you want all those little people in your bed?” he wandered off and I heard him murmur, “Weirdos.”
I don’t have the energy to explain to him, he is a co-sleeper. And I don’t mean me. It is 5:21 am and I’m typing this while he snores in the next room with 2 children in the bed with him.
Just because I profess myself one way, doesn’t make it necessarily so.
We are co-sleepers. We sleep with our children. And the reason we sleep with our children is because all we really care about is sleeping. We will do it anywhere, anytime and with anyone.
We are sleep whores.
And the lack of sleep has me pondering things while chugging bitter java. I get emails all the time about what a judgemental jerk I am. Ironically, they come from ranting judgemental ick-masters. And I for the most part I ignore them because, 1. I don’t have time to argue with people about which of us are ickier, and 2. I would rather sleep.
But the most laughable hate mail I get is the kind that is signed, Yours in Christ.
“You’re the worst example of the gospel on the internet… You will be cast into hell for your abuse of that little girl! How would you like to be called chubby! Scripture tells us the devil will come in sheeps clothing! You will burn in hell. Your sister in Christ, XXXXXX”
Granted, I don’t like to be called chubby. But, it does happen. Yes, I am in fact the worst example of the gospel on the internet, although, I have not been officially given that brand. I googled “Worst example of the gospel on the internet.”
And it wasn’t me.
I was a little bummed.
Although, before I had a lot of content up, if you Googled me it said, “Did you mean Janie Emmery?” And she was a not so chubby porn star that was way off from good Gospel behavior.
Way. Off.
And yes, scripture does say that the devil will come in sheep’s clothing, but I don’t wear wool. It’s itchy. And I don’t have the time, energy, following, or ambition to be the devil. If I was the devil I would manifest more sleep for me and my poor co-sleeping husband.
I would like to ask if I am the devil, are we still sisters in Christ?
So here’s the rant… you knew it was coming.
Stop it.
Take the Jesus fish off your bumper and stop being stupid.
If you want to rant, own it. If you want to cast someone to the fiery depths don’t hide behind a warm, cheery salutation referencing the Savior of the World.
Christian speak doesn’t save humans.
Actions save humans.
From way up on the Americanized Jesus high horse Christianity is becoming a mockery. This is tragic. But we have gotten so caught up in Jesus-speak I propose it is nothing more than taking His name in vain.
I submit we change our verbiage.
Why aren’t we readily admitting how awful we are in a widely resounding chorus of “I LOVE JESUS AND I AM LITERALLY THE WORST!” and then wait for the masses to approach. Becuase the masses just see us as the worst in the worst way.
Arrogant windbags, rattling the rooftops with our self-righteous self-affirming banter. We criticize drug addicts and profess their need for Jesus while we shove french fries and pie down our gullets and stare at reruns of Grey’s Anatomy. We are drooling over Dr. McDreamy, texting gossip about the latest affair within “the church,” lamenting our hate for same-sex marriage while maxing out our credit cards and bank accounts on more stuff to stuff ourselves with. But not to worry, there is a Jesus fish watermark on my checks, and I will be in church on Sunday morning to worship with hands held high!
Yours in Christ doesn’t negate our sin or establish us worthy? Snorting crystal meth is bad, but so is mass donut consumption and hate. The elitist Christian mentality and the place where we no longer admit we are broken, lousy, disgusting humans in need of redemption is the greatest disparagement of the Cross.
I had an encounter with a young family outside of Child Services a few months ago. The young mother said, “I want to get help, but I hate Christians. I don’t need some fat woman pointing out how horrible my addiction is while she chugs down a Route 44 Dr. Pepper and gnaws on a king size Snickers.”
Maybe if we were more transparent? Maybe if we labeled ourselves from the place of the same disgusting place we deem others lie? Perhaps if we started out every rant with:
I pursue Jesus, and I about to unleash a world of judgment on you and everyone in this room! The bowels of my distaste for you and everything you hold dear will not be able to withstand the venom I will poor out on your generations. Here is the number for a counselor, you’ll need it when I am done with you. I meant every word I said, Jami.
Would we be more approachable? Would this level the playing field? Would we better examples of the mercy of the Gospel?
The place of perfection that Christians preach from is not fishing out men. Yes, the Gospel is a place of hope. Yes, I would be lost without it. But to testify to my perfections since I first believed?
Well, just because I profess myself one way, doesn’t make it necessarily so.
Your broken, exhausted, chubby, co-sleeping fellow human, who loves Jesus, Jami
May your floors be sticky and your calling ordained. J
Psalm 55:12-13 (NLT) “It is not an enemy who taunts me- I could bear that. It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me- I could have hidden from them. Instead, it is you-my equal, my companion and close friend.”
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Haters gonna hate, right? I have been preaching this same message for a long time. I love Jesus, but I am far from perfect. I am working out my salvation every day with fear and trembling. I have to tell you, that I have been reading Christian blogs for a long time now. I have rarely commented on any of them (if ever), but I have commented like crazy on your posts/Facebook page. I find it refreshing in blog land for someone to be so real and raw (and a little crazy! I mean that in a good way, because you sound like me!) keep doing what you do and don’t let the naysayers get you down.
I have seen Christians be used by satan, and sadly, I have been used by him (I refuse to capitalize his name)
I want to glorify God, but we must always be on our toes. “The enemy prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to destroy”
Thank you Jesus for your grace.
Co-chubber, co-ranter, -co-sinner. Finally…a club I can join. Sisters forever!
I’m with you sisters!
Finally, someone like me!!!
Dear Jami, As a just retired Anglican vicar may I say how incredibly refreshing I find your posts. I have always taught that Jesus loves eosin our raw humanity and that grace means coming to him in my imperfection in order to experience something of his perfection, but you put it so well.
So in the words of the prophet! “Bring it on” Yours Jonathan
Thanks Jonathan! I will! Bless! J
Jami, this is one of your best. You always manage to say what I would like to say while making me look at myself and my relationship with Him.
Thank you. Again. For saying exactly what you feel and understand to be God’s Will for His children.
How true…as someone struggling with overeating , a former Co-Sleeper home and struggling trying to keep my house clean and employment , I can relate. Sin is sin. I cannot pass judgment on anyone because I have to work on myself so much. I can only pray for others that way they would be transformed also. I really enjoyed your post.
Thank you.
It is only in our weakness that we can see HIS glory. Bless you sweet, friend. You make my heart smile!
Love this one! 🙂
Love this! It’s so true. It makes me sad how many times Christians in the name of Christianity act like anything but Christians. We forget that our leader is Jesus and he never looked down at others, but always saw what people could be. I had the privilege last week of looking around our church and seeing a couple who’s marriage is struggling, at least two recovering alcoholics, and a former prisoner. My hope and prayer is that visitors to our church don’t see “shiny plastic people” as Casting Crowns so delicately puts it. Somehow we have missed the mark. It makes me sad that so many Christians are more concerned about others behavior than are about actually ministering to the least and the lost. Thanks for this honest post.
Thanks Tonya!
To proclaim that sin is still sin AND I am the greatest of sinners is rarity in this time and place. You do it well, and make me laugh while doing it. Thank you.
Thank you friend.
So grateful that you are “the worst example of the gospel on the internet” and that after emails like that you continue to write. Your voice resonates with the masses of weary followers of Jesus. It’s nice to read someone that keeps “we are all sinners saved by grace” front and center. Thank you for your vulnerability and authenticity!
[…] You might also like: Your Sister in Christ, A. Butthead […]
Oh Jami, you just confirmed my existence! I had seriously questioned my Christianity when I was told by gays and wiccans and witches that I was the most real Christian they had ever met. I thought oh my, what in the world am I doing wrong? These people actually love the Jesus I represent and I thought the world was supposed to hate me if I love Jesus!
Now, to be honest, I didn’t change, because I can’t change the fact that Jesus tells me to love people, and my heart is to share Jesus, and I don’t like being condemned! So I try not to do that myself!
I love your rant!
Thank you thank you thank you! I’m so glad I’m not the only one!
~another sinner saved by grace,