Great Lies I Tell: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Elvis, & Jesus

Great Lies I Tell: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Elvis, & Jesus 3

I tell great lies, crazy unbelievable tales, no sane person would believe, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Elvis, and Jesus.  These stories are far-fetched, to say the least, but my children who trust me, they believe. Don’t you dare? Don’t even start with me, missy! Puh-lease! You know you do it, your face will stick…

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BIG NEWS! The Easy Wife and #codenamecharlie

BIG NEWS! The Easy Wife and #codenamecharlie 1

God Forgot… Day 31 of Write 31 Days Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying: God Forgot No, He didn’t. He heard. He hears. The bottom line is, He moves how He moves and He saves how He saves. We cannot “make” Him do anything.  Although, I have wasted the better part of 40 years trying…

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Are You His Real Mom?

Are You His Real Mom?

Day 30 Write 31 Days Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying: Are you His Real Mom? On October 31, tomorrow at 1:00 we will finalize the adoption of our long-term foster placement, “Charlie.” Every foster to adopt story begins with a horrific tragedy. And while tomorrow will be a joyous occasion for our family, it…

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Real Mom: A Heart Story

Real Mom: A Heart Story

(Originally Posted Jan 2016) Today is the anniversary of the birth of my real motherhood. The delivery was painful, joyful, and earth shattering. I had given birth four times before. I had miscarried once.  I have a negative threshold for physical pain – I had 4 failed epidurals. Well, one completely numbed my right foot,…

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A little boy not pictured…fast asleep

A little boy not asleep

I have a favorite picture from 2015. As much as I love this picture, the things unseen in the photograph are a bigger part of this picture I love so much. On the other side of the shot, taken with my iPhone, is me.  Me, the mother of the five children. Pictured are our four…

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Real Mom

Real Mom 8

Today is the anniversary of the birth of my real motherhood. The delivery was painful, joyful, and earth shattering. I had given birth four times before. I had miscarried once.  I have a negative threshold for physical pain – I had 4 failed epidurals. Well, one completely numbed my right foot, but that’s another story.…

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Natural Birth & Inflatable Swimming Pools

When did "natural childbirth" start involving inflatable wading pools? 2

I am old. This is what the new batch of our babies have to look forward to. They have an old mom. And she’s way behind the times. They will to go school with kids that were birthed into swimming pools… In their living rooms! Am I new? I am just hearing about this. I saw the Duggars doing “natural” deliveries in a bath tub..

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