A Lil’ Romance is in Order…

A Lil’ Romance is in Order… 6

For Christmas this year our older batch of children, the man-babies and the lady-babies, gave my husband, Justin and me a priceless gift. Wrapped in fancy paper was a coupon, offering free babysitting and dinner for two at our favorite restaurant in Dallas, the Nobu. I had a speaking event in the Dallas area so…

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The up-side of being down…

It is raining here again. This is a big deal. Although, we are still in dire need of more, it has been raining a lot. Things around here are looking lush and green. I heard an older gentleman saying he woke to frogs chirping, something he hadn’t heard since the mid 90’s.  Come to think…

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The #1 Gift I Refuse to Give My Children for Christmas

Jami Amerine christmas gift

The #1 Gift I Refuse to Give My Children for Christmas It’s starting.  The commercials are legend.  Somewhere, someone is concocting the next Christmas lampoon of how one boy and his loyal dog must SAVE CHRISTMAS.  Some evil mastermind wants to steal the joy. Maybe he wants to kill all the reindeer. Could he be…

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The Semi-Exact Blood of Jesus

photo of cross saying the semi exact blood of jesus

Semi-exact… I wish I had said this before Donald Trump said it at the debate Monday night.  I am in love with the term. And I have already stated my thoughts on The Donald vs. Hilary.  I stand by this: This election isn’t the last straw. It’s not crushing the camel’s back. It might be…

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I Hate That Scripture…

I remember everything about that day. My babies stood in a line dressed in funeral clothes. They fidgeted in front of the coffin. They behaved like children at a funeral, out of place. The boys tugged at their ties. At one point I noticed that my son, Luke had clipped his clip-on to his crotch…

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Me and My Stuff…

When we were moving back to the ranch, I got rid of a lot of stuff. I don’t like to move, although I am pretty much a pro. When I was growing up, my dad got transferred all over the country, and that man could pack a U-haul like a Cuban artisan can roll a…

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From Where I am Sitting…


One of my favorite stories of our oldest, Maggie took place when she was about four. Maggie was all hairbows and bugs.  She has always just done her own thing.  And for as long as I can remember people would say to her, “OH! You look just like your daddy!“ And I guess … she…

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Sufficiently Sweet

somehow he makes it enough

A certain two-year-old vandal that resides with me is a great sleeper… Usually. It is not really fair to accuse him of being otherwise. He is a good sleeper. For some reason, our society continues to terrorize us with daylight savings time.  So, this two-year-old is wide awake at 4:00 am – which my body…

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Fresh Hate and Jesus Fish

fresh hate

I am getting some “fresh hate.” For the most part, it rolls off me.  I am not a mean person. I love Jesus.  We are tight.  But I don’t like to shove Him down people’s throats.  And I certainly never want to misrepresent Him. So my mom was in a car accident.  It was pretty…

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