What Does Jesus Want for Christmas?

what does Jesus want for Christmas

What Does Jesus Want for Christmas? I wonder, what does Jesus want for Christmas?  And so I asked.  I said it out loud.  “Hey, Friend, it is me… Jami with no E.  Jesus, what do you want for Christmas?” And yes, I know, this sounds childish.  But, in real life, I want to be child-like…

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Overcoming the Holiday Blues: How to Debunk Your Bah Humbug


Overcoming the Holiday Blues: How to Debunk Your Bah Humbug Hey there! I am Jami Amerine and today’s episode is brought to you by Jennifer Willerton: Independent Beauty Consultant.  Follow this link to see all the AMAZING beauty and skin care products Jennifer offers and message her to learn about a special offer she has…

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Great Lies I Tell: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Elvis, & Jesus

Great Lies I Tell: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Elvis, & Jesus 3

I tell great lies, crazy unbelievable tales, no sane person would believe, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Elvis, and Jesus.  These stories are far-fetched, to say the least, but my children who trust me, they believe. Don’t you dare? Don’t even start with me, missy! Puh-lease! You know you do it, your face will stick…

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Heaven Scent

Baby smells aren’t always that pleasant. Johnson and Johnson may have very well cornered the market on making a baby smell better after a bath, dusting, and moisture lathering… but you can’t mimic the dearness of new life. For a moment, no matter your situation; mother of many, mother of none, mother of one, mother…

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The #1 Gift I Refuse to Give My Children for Christmas

Jami Amerine christmas gift

The #1 Gift I Refuse to Give My Children for Christmas It’s starting.  The commercials are legend.  Somewhere, someone is concocting the next Christmas lampoon of how one boy and his loyal dog must SAVE CHRISTMAS.  Some evil mastermind wants to steal the joy. Maybe he wants to kill all the reindeer. Could he be…

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