Dear Monday,

Dear Monday,

Dear Monday,  It’s nothing personal – but you are not my friend. Truly, it’s not your fault. This time it really is me… not you. There is no possible way for you to live up to the standards by which I expect you to behave.  You are a loose canyon, a butthead… and a killer…

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Come Monday: Fresh Starts, Hope, and Jesus, All I Need…

Come Monday...

Monday, Monday…Come Monday: Fresh Starts, Hope, and Jesus: Alas, it is Monday again.  A fresh start?  A fresh week… yes. What is it that I am hoping to accomplish this week. With Monday before me… What will I fail at and what will I excel? I would be lying if I told you I was refreshed…

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An Open Letter to Me….

an open letter to me

Hey. Me? Yes, you. You’re going to be committed if you let them see the psychosis of me talking to myself, myself answering, and you getting to watch what unfolds. I promise, I was getting up at 5:00.I  I was going to spend a little time with Jesus.  Then I was going to workout, shower,…

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