As a Kid “Thinketh,” So that Kid is

I do not know my enneagram score.  If that score can be determined by the fact that I cannot sit still long enough to finish the quiz, someone let me know.  Apparently this is a thing.   We are a society of scores and numbers. And, I understand the relevance of labeling our kids in some…

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As a Boy Thinketh: Homeschooling, Again

as a boy thinketh

As a Boy Thinketh: Homeschooling, Again I withdrew our two young sons, Sam and Charlie from public school on Thursday to homeschool, again.   And I have no horror story to report.  To all the teachers and administrators, I know your work is impossible.  This is not about any one shortcoming or failure, this is about…

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20 Truths for My Children in 2020

20 truths

20 Truths for My Children in 2020 There were 20 truths I wanted to tell my children in 2020.  And while I promised to make it a habit to tell them every single one, the proposal changed at 8:45 pm, on December 31st, 2019. As the world boasted promises, hopes, and dreams, my babies were…

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How to Mother Adult Babies Better

parenting helps Jami Amerine adult babies

How to Mother Adult Babies Better One never stops being a mother, even when she has adult babies. I am writing this at 30,000 feet. My oldest daughter, Maggie and I are flying home from a visit with my youngest biological son, Luke aka the Hippie Baby.  He lives and works at an Ashram. He…

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Learning Disabilities: A Blessing

learning disabilities a blessing

Learning Disabilities: A Blessing Learning disabilities, I propose it is a loaded diagnosis, I call a blessing.  Some will call it a crutch. Others will say it is a tragedy, a malady of disorders and hardships, one wouldn’t wish on their worst enemy.  But, I know some things, just a few things about learning disabilities.…

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Jam-Ed: How Music Impacts Learning

The Power of Music

Jam-Ed: How Music Impacts Learning Today I am writing to you a word about the power of music and how it greatly impacts learning.  I am not classifying this post as part of the learning disabilities series, because I think applies to every aspect of learning and parenting.   So, I have a confession, I love…

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Creating an Atmosphere of Chill for your LD Child

atmosphere of LD Child

Creating an Atmosphere of Chill for your LD Child Welcome to post 5 in the Help my Child has Learning Disabilities Series.  Today I am writing to you about atmosphere.  No matter if you are dealing with an LD child or not, take a moment to take stock of the environment around you.  The atmosphere…

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Your LD Child and Their Teachers: Stuff to Think About

the ld child and their teachers

Your LD Child and Their Teachers: Stuff to Think About Welcome back to the Help! My Child has Learning Disabilities Series.  Today I am writing to you about school, teachers, and your child. This post is #4 in the series. As I have said in previous posts, our family has done all the things in…

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Social Helps for the Learning Disabled Child  

Social helps for the LD child

Social Helps for the Learning Disabled Child   Post # 3 in the Help! my Child has Learning DIsabilities Summer Series Okay, this one is hard stuff.  The social life of your child is either something you don’t have to give much thought to or, it keeps you up at night clutching your broken heart.…

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Shaping the Mind of a Disabled Learner

shaping the mind of ld learner

A Fresh Look at Shaping the Mind of a Disabled Learner Post #2 in the Help! my Child has Learning Disabilities Series It is never too late to change your mind. I say this to myself a few hundred times a day.  My mind is a battlefield. And I remember that not very long ago, my…

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