The Offense of No Offense But….

The Offense of No Offense But....

The statement “no offense, but…” is always followed by an offense. Always. It’s offensive. And I can’t help it.  I have thin skin.  I get my feelings hurt and that is just how I roll. For years I have lamented this characteristic in myself. Why am I not more confident?  What makes me shy from…

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Dear Mean Girl: I Know You Quite Well

Dear Mean Girl, 4

Dear Mean Girl: I Know You Quite Well A few weeks ago we sent our youngest daughter, Sophie to public high school. The fact was, as I watched her make my girl way into the school every bad memory from adolescence flooded my mind. Notably, it was a whirlwind of fluorescent, aqua-net, designer imposter perfume,…

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Questions about Sin… Asking for a Friend

So I know this girl, and she was wondering, “When I ask you how to overcome your sin, what do you think about?” And I had to answer…  “My sin.” So she went on to investigate: So you go to work on your sin.  You pray about it. You read about it.  You listen to…

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Your Sister in Christ, A. Butthead

your sister in Christ A butthead

The other day we saw a television program on co-sleeping. My husband, Justin went on a mini rant. “What is wrong with those people?” he barked. “That is twisted. Why would you want all those little people in your bed?” he wandered off and I heard him murmur, “Weirdos.” I don’t have the energy to explain…

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