Prostitute to Princess: A How to Guide
Prostitute to Princess: A How to Guide
I will assume that most everyone has seen the movie Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts and Richard Geer. If you haven’t here is the gist: Prostitute meets rich boy, rich boy and prostitute fall in love, drama ensues, rich boy saves prostitute and they live happily ever after.
A real prostitute to princess story.
Which brings me to this important piece I read on the Facebook page, Escape to Reality:
The Gospel for Hookers
Imagine that a king made a decree in his land that there would be a blanket pardon extended to all prostitutes. Would that be good news to you if you were a prostitute? Of course, it would. No longer would you have to live in hiding, fearing the sheriff. No longer would you have a criminal record; all past offenses are wiped off the books. So the pardon would definitely be good news. But would it be any motivation at all for you to change your life style?
No, not a bit.
But let’s go a little further with our illustration. Let’s say that not only is a blanket pardon extended to all who have practiced prostitution, but the king has asked you, in particular, to become his bride. What happens when a prostitute marries a king? She becomes a queen. Now would you have a reason for a change of lifestyle?
It doesn’t take a genius to realize that the lifestyle of the queen is several levels superior to that of a prostitute. No woman in her right mind would go back to the previous life…
~Bob George, Classic Christianity
This is how I have viewed my walk with Christ. I was a slave. I was a slave to a terrifying master. And I sold my “tricks” in hopes of pleasing Him.
Please help me with ABC and I promise I will do XYZ.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Please help me with ABC and I promise I will do XYZ #StolenJesus” quote=”Please help me with ABC and I promise I will do XYZ #StolenJesus”]
And my XYZ was a myriad of things that were reconciled by the blood of Jesus. Still, I stayed under the cloak of modern day food laws that I believed would help count me worthy based on my outward appearance.
But I did it with other things too.
I won’t yell at the kids.
And, I won’t go over budget.
Also, I won’t fight with Justin.
I won’t watch trash television.
Finally, I won’t gossip.
I made these promises to an If/Then Jesus. In the hope that “if” I performed impeccably, “then” maybe He would love me… and protect me, Justin, the children, and our household.
In spite of my salvation and the miracle of the Cross, I continued to behave like a prostitute.
I continued to neglect my role as fully His.
No more.
I can do these things, count calories, exercise, try low-carb, high-carb, the ice cream diet or the cabbage soup trend. I can pinch pennies, cut coupons, take kick-boxing, buy red stilettoes, or follow Dave Ramsey.
They are permissible.
But when I hold them to a standard of judgment, that God would judge me for my performance, I am royalty, turning tricks.
I am a queen sneaking out the window of a castle to behave as a street whore.
Oh, but if there was an insult – this would be it.
What am I to say? That the Cross worked, but I still must….
Sister, the Cross worked AND… you are His baby.
You are free from the hooker life. So, you can do whatever you want, but when you BELIEVE HIM, when you look at the FREEDOM He bought for you and stop attaching the GIFT of that freedom to anything our mediocre attempts at “holiness” might purchase – His voice is finally crystal clear.
Yes, my love… that is permissible. But is it beneficial?
Is it of benefit to you, Your Highness?
Is it a blessing to the most perfect and loved bride? A cherished crowned Empress… the chosen and adored, beloved DAUGHTER?
Plucked from the streets while she still sold herself and saved by the blood of the perfected lamb… is that of benefit to you?
Is that fit for a queen?
With the harlot’s clothes of condemnation tossed aside and the finest garments and jewels placed on your perfected flesh, you will know how to behave not because you can or can’t but because of who you are.
And who you are is the perfect daughter of the Most High who wants all good things for the girl He saved.
That my friends is a love story.
May your floors be sticky and your calling ordained. Love, Jami
1 Corinthians 10:23 Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial.
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My interview with Wynema Clark on understanding Corinthians 10:
(Tears) This was beautiful ❤️
(Tears) This was beautiful ❤️
Jami, this is a beautiful article. So often we forget who we really are. I shared this on my personal page, my business page, and in my Facebook group. We NEED to be reminded that we are wholly and completely His. There is nothing more (or less) we can do to make Him love us more (or less). Thank you so much for sharing this. Exactly what I needed today. 🙂
Thank you so much. I am glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate you sharing it. ❤
Jami, this is a beautiful article. So often we forget who we really are. I shared this on my personal page, my business page, and in my Facebook group. We NEED to be reminded that we are wholly and completely His. There is nothing more (or less) we can do to make Him love us more (or less). Thank you so much for sharing this. Exactly what I needed today. 🙂
Thank you so much. I am glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate you sharing it. ❤
Yes!! Another great message times perfectly!
Have an amazing day!
Yes!! Another great message times perfectly!
Have an amazing day!
That was awesome! What a message of LOVE!!
That was awesome! What a message of LOVE!!
An adult.. a grandmother… let’s face it 66 years old and still learning about tge wholeness of His grace!
An adult.. a grandmother… let’s face it 66 years old and still learning about tge wholeness of His grace!
Thanks! Needed that reminder today. Not in the food area, but actions and words. Is this that Comment that I want to say beneficial… hummmmm.
Thanks! Needed that reminder today. Not in the food area, but actions and words. Is this that Comment that I want to say beneficial… hummmmm.
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