Posts Tagged ‘freedom’
Litanies, Rituals, and Hocus Pocus for Housewives and Harlots
Never mess with a vandal’s ritual. It was late when I tucked the vandals, our 3 and 5-year-old sons into bed and kissed them on semi-sticky cheeks, I had a rush of guilt. I should have bathed them. Instead, I had used an entire container of diaper wipes on their crusty little bodies before putting…
Read MoreGod is most careful with you…
God is most careful with you… I can’t stand it. Years wasted… bemoaning… I wasn’t enough. I wasn’t adored. I could never measure up to what was expected. You can’t talk me out of it… I won’t succumb to the lie, “You must work harder to please Him.” I want what He wants. I want…
As our little-foster love would say, “TAAA-DAAAA!” 28-Day-Challenge… CHECK! Seriously this was so fun. I love you each. Be sure and check back on FACEBOOK LIVE 02.28.17 at 8PM Central for a TWO DRAWING giveaway. The Swing by Tracy Reifkind and ‘s Christine Carter’s Book Hope and Help While Healing! And make sure you like…
As our little-foster love would say, “TAAA-DAAAA!” 28-Day-Challenge… CHECK! Seriously this was so fun. I love you each. Be sure and check back on FACEBOOK LIVE 02.28.17 at 8PM Central for a TWO DRAWING giveaway. The Swing by Tracy Reifkind and ‘s Christine Carter’s Book Hope and Help While Healing! And make sure you like…
Read MoreWin by Losing: Stop the Stress – Get a New Dress
You should relax, you have too much stress. Or as our 5-year-old vandal says, “I have too much stresses in me.” And I know all the tricks of the trade. I even sell essential oils. So I had used my meager earnings to buy a more expensive blend… Stress Away. From the family room, the…
Read MoreWin by Losing: Stop the Stress – Get a New Dress
You should relax, you have too much stress. Or as our 5-year-old vandal says, “I have too much stresses in me.” And I know all the tricks of the trade. I even sell essential oils. So I had used my meager earnings to buy a more expensive blend… Stress Away. From the family room, the…
Read MoreExcuses, Excuses: Escaping Condemnation – Rejoicing in the Freedom
Excuse me… The dog ate my homework. It’s not you, it’s me. My alarm clock didn’t go off. The list of excuses is exhausting. And… who am I fooling? Myself? No. But, all excuses aside, my floors are disgusting. And yeah, I can’t vacuum because my son ran over my vacuum cleaner. He asked to…
Read MoreExcuses, Excuses: Escaping Condemnation – Rejoicing in the Freedom
Excuse me… The dog ate my homework. It’s not you, it’s me. My alarm clock didn’t go off. The list of excuses is exhausting. And… who am I fooling? Myself? No. But, all excuses aside, my floors are disgusting. And yeah, I can’t vacuum because my son ran over my vacuum cleaner. He asked to…
Read MoreIt’s a Shame You’re Enormous, You Have Such a Pretty-Face…
Ah… pretty-face syndrome. It’s a blessing and a curse. Although, of all the cruel things ever said to me the one that still reverberates in my soul took place at a summer camp where I worked after high school graduation. A young girl name Twyla, with a gift for saying everything inappropriate, was hanging on…
Read MoreThe Mom Diet: Results Pretty Typical
I have the best of intentions when it comes to diet. I do. I want to be fit. I want to wear cute sleeveless summer blouses. And I know what is beneficial. Truth be told I love a spinach peach smoothie. As I gulp the icy delightfulness I picture my organs being saturated with vitamins,…
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