Posts Tagged ‘grace’
Real Belief in a Really Noisy World
Oh, but it is noisy, the world and its opinions. How do we know what we even know what real belief is anymore? During some intentional research for a proposal I am working on, the loudness got to me. By the time I closed my computer and shut my phone down for the day, my…
Read MoreHow to be Chill: Partly Sunny with a Chance of Tsunami
How to be Chill: Partly Sunny with a Chance of Tsunami I used to rant and rave. Honestly, I can still go on a tirade. There is stuff that offends me. And, there is stuff that makes me throw up a little. Maybe it is because I am getting older, but I don’t get as…
Read MoreThe Great Counselor, Counseling, and Mental Health
The Great Counselor, Counseling, and Mental Health. What would Jesus say about Counseling? Well, the truth is, I Love Jesus and Sometimes I Need a Prescription and Counseling… Honestly, you have probably heard me say, “I love Jesus and sometimes I need a prescription.” Because I was raised up in the church speak promoting the belief…
Read MoreHow to Save Christmas from Villains, Grinches, and Sub-par Parenting
How to Save Christmas from Villains, Grinches, and Subpar Parenting Prior to my second book’s printing, I received a call from my editor. The editorial team was in love with a new subtitle. It was a nod to my viral post An Open Letter to My Children: You’re Not that Great. I appreciate that post,…
Read MoreOvercoming the Holiday Blues: How to Debunk Your Bah Humbug
Overcoming the Holiday Blues: How to Debunk Your Bah Humbug Hey there! I am Jami Amerine and today’s episode is brought to you by Jennifer Willerton: Independent Beauty Consultant. Follow this link to see all the AMAZING beauty and skin care products Jennifer offers and message her to learn about a special offer she has…
Read MoreFalling into the Arms of the Real Jesus
Falling into the Arms of the Real Jesus Hey there! I am Jami Amerine and today’s episode is brought to you by Jennifer Willerton: Independent Beauty Consultant. Follow this link to see all the AMAZING beauty and skin care products Jennifer offers and message her to learn about a special offer she has JUST FOR…
Read MoreGrace: A Simple at Look at the Completed Work
Grace: A Simple at Look at the Completed Work Hey there! I am Jami Amerine and today’s episode is brought to you by Jennifer Willerton: Independent Beauty Consultant. Follow this link to see all the AMAZING beauty and skin care products Jennifer offers and message her to learn about a special offer she has JUST…
Read MoreIn Defense of Anxiety: A Friend of Jesus’ Walk with Terror
I remember, I believed I was dying. I was wholly wracked with anxiety. My heart pounded so intensely, you could see the reverberation through my pajama top. If you have ever met me in person, you know, under the mounds of flesh layering my sternum, this is impressive. “Is this anxiety? Am I over-reacting? It’s…
Read MoreGirls in SUVs Talking Out Loud to Jesus: How to Perfect Your Prayer Life
Girls in SUVs Talking Out Loud to Jesus: How to Perfect Your Prayer Life I know. It has been a while. I opened my laptop and stared at the blank screen for what seemed an eternity. A writer can get caught up in a personal head game of writer’s block and easily confuse it with…
Read MoreIf You Give a “Good” Christian Woman a Warm Chocolate Chip Cookie
If you give a good Christian woman a cookie… She will ponder her existence in Jesus. For if she is one with Jesus, she won’t need the cookie. She only needs Jesus. However, if you give a Christian woman and cookie, and it is chocolate chip… homemade, and it is still a little warm, and…
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