Get What You Deserve: The Penance Jackpot!

Get What You Deserve: The Penance Jackpot!

I just had this penance conversation with the vandals, our 3 and 5-year-old sons. Me: CHARLIE?!?!  What happened to your lip??! Charlie: Sam punched me in da face. Me: SAM?!?!? Charlie: It’s ok mommy, herms had enuf of me. Sam: ya… I told herms to stop. Charlie: ya… herms told me a bunch of times…

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Astonishing Technique to Escape the Bondage of a Terror Mindset

Astonishing Technique to Escape the Bondage of a Terror Mindset 1

I am different, I am no longer in bondage to a terror mindset. And not different than the usual different, like my wayward “just the nougat” Snickers eating, fear of egg-salad and passionate partiality for all things Sharknado; but a different kind of different. I have peace. I have never had peace. This post will…

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Astonishing Technique to Escape the Bondage of a Terror Mindset

Astonishing Technique to Escape the Bondage of a Terror Mindset 1

I am different, I am no longer in bondage to a terror mindset. And not different than the usual different, like my wayward “just the nougat” Snickers eating, fear of egg-salad and passionate partiality for all things Sharknado; but a different kind of different. I have peace. I have never had peace. This post will…

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How to Achieve Health and Happiness in ONE Easy Step

How to Achieve Health and Happiness in ONE Easy Step 2

Health and happiness. Two things I often attribute conditional… one to the other. My post yesterday had me thinking about another aspect of my time in Venezuela and an open-air hotel room on the coast. Two rooms, one for my parents and one for my sister and myself, my dad told us we could pick…

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Come Monday: Fresh Starts, Hope, and Jesus, All I Need…

Come Monday...

Monday, Monday…Come Monday: Fresh Starts, Hope, and Jesus: Alas, it is Monday again.  A fresh start?  A fresh week… yes. What is it that I am hoping to accomplish this week. With Monday before me… What will I fail at and what will I excel? I would be lying if I told you I was refreshed…

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