Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying: I Can’t…

i cant

Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying… I can’t. The other day, after only 4 hours of sleep, I had an “I can’t…” moment. It lasted all day. The three-year-old refused to come out of the bathroom because he didn’t want me to see him naked. I literally gave him a bath last night. The 2-year-old…

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Dear Moms – You are Freaking Amazing!

Dear Moms – You are Freaking Amazing!

Sunday, our 14-year-old daughter Sophie, in spite of inconvenience beyond measure, finagled her way to church. I know, appalling behavior, don’t worry she’s grounded for a week. We live thirty minutes from our church, on a ranch. I was out of town, 3 hours away. My husband was home alone with Sophie, Sam and Charlie…

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The Meet the Teacher Fallacy

The Meet the Teacher Fallacy 2

It is that time of year, time to meet the teacher. I am not pro-homeschool, public, private, co-op, military (best money we ever spent), charter, un or free range. The way I see it, you do what ya gotta do. And I have tried them all. This year our daughter will graduate from college. She…

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Go, and Don’t Believe Everything I Taught You…

Go, and Don't Believe Everything I Taught You... 5 siblings

Go, and Don’t Believe Everything I Taught You… The last couple weeks of my parenting journey have been epic. As of a month ago we have seven children, they range in age from 5 months to 20 years. The littles have run me ragged.  I am feeling every single one of my 44 years.  And…

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Dear 2016: I commit to fail. 

pocket watches and clocks

The smell, although pleasant, was utterly overwhelming.  As I followed my nose down the hall toward my room, I knew it would be bad. Good overwhelming smells can be indicative of disasters too.  Especially where “the vandals” – our toddler sons – are involved. It was my fault. I had basked in the silence too…

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What Mom is this…

What Mom is this... 3

I am the worst Christmas mom. I don’t mean to be.  And I come from a long line of Christmas greats, I really have no excuse.  My mom celebrates Christmas with the zeal of little orphan Annie with daddy Warbucks’ credit card. And my grandma Mickey?  Don’t get me started.  The baking, the handmade teddy…

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Stuff I Wish You’d Stop Saying: Mom, Are you Awake?

Stuff I Wish You’d Stop Saying: Mom, Are you Awake? In our house, there are a number of ways to wake Justin and me. Screaming your head off for, yet another, bottle in the middle of the night or even pooping your pants is very effective. Our teenage sons like to watch horror flicks and…

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I Wish You’d Stop Saying: “I watch you sleep…”

I Wish You’d Stop Saying: “I watch you sleep…” Have you seen the movie or just the commercial with the creepy demonized kid crawling up the wall? I think this image is more terrifying to moms than anyone. The idea that your toddler could run from you – up onto the ceiling; I’d give up…

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31 Things I Wish You’d Stop Saying: Day 3 “I Cant…”

31 Things I Wish You'd Stop Saying:  Day 3 "I Cant..."

I can’t argue with him. I can’t take him to library time in this get-up, or lack there-of. I can’t get enough coffee in me to make it to nap time. I can’t chase “baaman” and the naked boy wonder. I can’t finish my blog posts. I can’t register the 17-year-old for the PSAT. I can’t run another forgotten lunch to the school. I can’t face make-up, and I can’t face dealing with my hair. I can’t face the gym. I can’t face another meatloaf. I can’t get the bills mailed. I can’t believe the number on the scale. I can’t sign up for Weight Watchers… again. And I can’t open the sippy cup I just found under the bed, it is moving and has a pulse. I just can’t.

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Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying: “When are you due?”

Stuff I Wish You'd Quit Saying: "When are you due?"

Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying: “When are you due?” Welcome!  And Happy October to you!  This is day ONE of a fun little challenge I entered, and I had the hardest time deciding what I could blog about 31 times.  I prayed and studied and went through some old posts… and then it hit…

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