Stuff I Used to Say

Jami Amerine stuff

Never put a cap on lifetime adventures. If there is a brand to be used, this would be my dad’s. My dad has done all the things. He’s still doing them, there’s no telling what he’s up to today. My dad has hunted in Africa, fished in Argentina, had food poisoning in the French Riviera,…

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The Trouble with Dead Christians: They’re Still Dead

the trouble with dead christians

The Trouble with Dead Christians: They’re Still Dead I remember quite vividly the funeral of a dear friend at the ripe old age of 43.  At the time I was 30, and I may have considered her “middle-aged.” Now, myself at 46, I am certain she wasn’t.  As her husband and young son stood at…

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Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying: “When are you due?”

Stuff I Wish You'd Quit Saying: "When are you due?"

Stuff I Wish You’d Quit Saying: “When are you due?” Welcome!  And Happy October to you!  This is day ONE of a fun little challenge I entered, and I had the hardest time deciding what I could blog about 31 times.  I prayed and studied and went through some old posts… and then it hit…

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