You Don’t Listen…

I confess, I left last Thursday to attend a conference, certain I would learn little. I am pretty good at this gig, I assured myself.  I just signed with Harvest House, I have a growing Facebook community, whom I adore, and I LOVE to blog. And I went into blogging kicking and screaming. Alas, it…

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The Cliff from Whence I Tumble… Don’t Follow Me

cliff I tumble

Yesterday was stressful, like cliff diving. You know, I could delete that, pretty much in my world that goes without saying.  For now, I will leave it. There is one aspect of my life where it would seem only other writers would glean from my current stressor but, at 1:00 am I realized that I…

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I love bad words…

i love bad words

  A little person came to me to report that another little person had said the “A” word. I marched upstairs. “Why would you say the ‘A’ word?” I griped. The little person was already in tears. “I’m sorry,” she sniffled. “I was so frustrated with him, and it just flew out of my mouth.”…

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Jesus, Killer of Dreams

Jesus, Killer of Dreams 6

A fierce embracing of His sovereignty. And He will move how He moves and save how He saves. He is a good, good Father. In the progression of what seems like He didn’t hear, and in the silence of wait….

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Fear Factors…

the blessing is worth the risk /...

When this posts, I will be headed to the airport. Again. If you have read this blog before you may have heard this once or twice, I am afraid of flying. Not dying, flying. More specifically, heights, being trapped in a small space, and turbulence. I don’t like roller coasters, and I certainly don’t want…

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