Homeschooling A Disabled Learner: Ten Things to Consider
Homeschooling A Disabled Learner: Ten Things to Consider Welcome back, this is post #5 in the Help! My Kid has Learning Disabilities summer series. And today I have TEN things to consider when homeschooling a disabled learner. Here is the countdown! I loved homeschooling. I have said this, I know. But, here I go again,…
Your LD Child and Their Teachers: Stuff to Think About
Your LD Child and Their Teachers: Stuff to Think About Welcome back to the Help! My Child has Learning Disabilities Series. Today I am writing to you about school, teachers, and your child. This post is #4 in the series. As I have said in previous posts, our family has done all the things in…
Shaping the Mind of a Disabled Learner
A Fresh Look at Shaping the Mind of a Disabled Learner Post #2 in the Help! my Child has Learning Disabilities Series It is never too late to change your mind. I say this to myself a few hundred times a day. My mind is a battlefield. And I remember that not very long ago, my…
Help! My Kid has Learning Disabilities!
Help! My Kid has Learning Disabilities! The first note home from our 7-year-old, Sam’s teacher made my stomach flip flop. I am old. For those of you who don’t know me, Sam is the first in our second “batch.” We have four biological children. Maggie is 24, John is 21, Luke is 19, and…
Consider This: Rahab of Jerricho
Consider This: Rahab of Jerricho She hadn’t been able to sleep. So she decided to tinker with some thread. This was mindless, yet fulfilling. Her thoughts were jumbled with legend, and what she craved to be true. Rahab would have to be up and in the kitchen, in just a few hours The house was…
Himalayan Salt & Wellness: This Stuff is Magic!
I lean on the side of caution when it comes to some of the stuff floating around the web. But I was intrigued by Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps and other pink salt alternatives. Okay, yes, I love pink. Pegged me. And, because my nose doesn’t work, and it is basically strictly for decoration, I use…
When Your Cup Is Empty, or Just Cold, and Needs Nuked…
When Your Cup Is Empty, or Just Cold, and Needs Nuked… I love a big cup of coffee. Or a big cup of hot tea, English Breakfast, please. Like, I am not sure what life would look like without that first drink in the morning. I vaguely remember the days, when I would…
Sacred Ground Sticky Floors Recipe: Marinated Veggies
Sacred Ground Sticky Floors: Marinated Veggies jump to recipe! This is our most favorite appetizer… but truth be told, we use it so much, we can eat it as a main course too! I do several things with this dish. First, we eat it with cream cheese on crackers, a baguette, or pitas. Also, I…
Consider This: Namaah, the Wife of Noah
Consider This: Namaah, the Wife of Noah Namaah woke with a startle. It took only seconds to reconnect with her dolorous existence. In a breath, the familiar companion of nausea ran circles around her. She would have vomited, again, but there was nothing left to purge. Her throat burned from the last episode. She squeezed…