Dear Moms – You are Freaking Amazing!

Dear Moms – You are Freaking Amazing!

Sunday, our 14-year-old daughter Sophie, in spite of inconvenience beyond measure, finagled her way to church. I know, appalling behavior, don’t worry she’s grounded for a week. We live thirty minutes from our church, on a ranch. I was out of town, 3 hours away. My husband was home alone with Sophie, Sam and Charlie…

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When Jesus Isn’t Enough​

Sometimes, I joke about Xanax and wine. Truth be told, I rarely drink. And not because of my religious convictions.  I rarely drink because of my weight struggles and thyroid disease/autoimmune troubles. Something I love NOT to talk about. When I have to fly, which apparently is like once a month, I almost always have…

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My Kid is a Jerk – But I am a Good Mom

My Kid is a Jerk - But I am a Good Mom 2

Mom life. I have paced and stewed and cried and thrown up.  But after a hot shower, a glass of wine, 4 gluten-free cake pops, and half a Xanax I am prepared to go there. Let’s do this. I love being a mom… 72.3% of the time it’s a good gig. I am a yeller,…

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The Not So “Gag Me With a Spoon” Pieces of Me…

The Not So “Gag Me With a Spoon” Pieces of Me… 12

My IPhone has been auto-correcting the word “stairs” with “Atari.” Yes, Atari. The XBOX of the 1980’s. This is odd to me.  I mean if, I had accomplished the dreams of “1984 Jami” the use of the word Atari might frequent the touch screen of my IPhone. As would tennis shoe roller skates, world champion…

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I Make Jesus Look Good

I love hospital stays. People are always complaining about them but I could use a good hospital stay. Yes, they wake you up to check your blood pressure and take your temperature. But if I was at home someone would wake me up anyway. And they wouldn’t be doing it to see if I was…

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Biting, Lying, and Biggest Fans

When our oldest, Maggie was nearly four, and John was one, there was an incident in Maggie’s closet.  John was crying hysterically.  Maggie came out and said, “the baby bited himsewf.” The cherub boy had teeth marks in his fleshy forearm, he was devastated to have met with such violence. I was furious.   I…

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Foster Care: Hoping for the Hurt

Foster Care: Hoping for the Hurt

Foster Care: Hoping for the Hurt This will probably not reach the masses. I don’t care. If my words fall upon the heart of one… I have succeeded. I just left a house with broken spirits. Addicted spirits. Fighting spirits. Spirits… Who have given up on their life, their old life. Among those spirits is…

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The Cliff from Whence I Tumble… Don’t Follow Me

cliff I tumble

Yesterday was stressful, like cliff diving. You know, I could delete that, pretty much in my world that goes without saying.  For now, I will leave it. There is one aspect of my life where it would seem only other writers would glean from my current stressor but, at 1:00 am I realized that I…

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Here’s how it’s gonna be….

Here's How It's Gonna Be....

Our four-year-old son Sam is a riot. Perhaps because he is so much younger than our four biological children, he is used to being the center of attention. He is accustomed to his demands and commands being heard and implemented. We all roar laughing when he says, “Wisten to me, here’s how it’s gonna be….…

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By No Means…

by no means

Simply stated:  Ugh. When I say we didn’t sleep – we were up from 1:15-6:00 am with a raging lunatic toddler.  What is that?   Do little people not know the agony associated with this enormous gap in normal sleep habits?  Granted, he was … gassy?  Teething? Hates us? And everything we represent? Who knows.…

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