Breaking Free in the Midst of Chaos

Breaking Free in the Midst of Chaos 1

I just bathed the vandals, our 5 and 3-year-old sons. Actually, it was a shower.  This is the most effective way to clean them. I strip them down; I put on my rubber goulashes and start the water. It’s going down. The insanity never ceases to amaze me. These same two little boys, given the…

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The Offense of No Offense But….

The Offense of No Offense But....

The statement “no offense, but…” is always followed by an offense. Always. It’s offensive. And I can’t help it.  I have thin skin.  I get my feelings hurt and that is just how I roll. For years I have lamented this characteristic in myself. Why am I not more confident?  What makes me shy from…

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The True Cost of Bad Jesus

The True Cost of Bad Jesus 1

When our oldest son John was about 4 he choked to the point of unconsciousness. Truly, there is not a thing I can think of that is as terrifying as watching life leave your child. I knew he was choking. I knew his windpipe was obstructed.  I also knew that the desperate thrusts of the…

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How to Make the Best Chocolate Milk

How to Make the Best Chocolate Milk 1

When our oldest vandal son, Sam who is five asks for chocolate milk he is quite specific. He will stand by as I add the syrup to the milk. And he inevitably says, “Hey, is it chokit all da way frew yet?” And I say, “I haven’t shaken it yet.” His little body wiggles as…

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Prostitute to Princess: A How to Guide

Prostitute to Princess: A How to Guide 2

Prostitute to Princess: A How to Guide I will assume that most everyone has seen the movie Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts and Richard Geer.  If you haven’t here is the gist: Prostitute meets rich boy, rich boy and prostitute fall in love, drama ensues, rich boy saves prostitute and they live happily ever after. …

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The Perfect Portion: Too much, too Little, Just Enough

What is the Perfect Portion, Really? 5

The Perfect Portion: Too much, too Little, Just Enough My husband, Justin has this portion thing that he does to our kids.  He did it with the oldest 20 some odd years ago and he does it with our five and three-year-old now. If they ask for something, say some more chips on their plate,…

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Salvation of a Mom…

Salvation of a Mom… 4

The salvation of a mom is harder for a mother to embody. You see, tonight my soul is spread seven ways; serving Pizza and beer at a high-end joint downtown. It’s on a date that’s not a date but might be a date at a later date if it weren’t for all the history of…

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