Best Tips for Effective Parenting for Every Parent
October 1999, I thought I had the parenting thing down pat. I could have easily written tips on what I knew then about effective parenting for every parent. I would have been wrong. Mary Margaret, aka Maggie, Magpie, and the Magster was easy… even if we thought she was hard. I did, in fact,…
Read MoreGod the Father: Parents of Autistic Children are an Outstanding Example of a Loving Alpha Omega
I just watched a video about a mom and dad from the UK, parents of autistic twin sons. The eeriness and timing of this video had me covered in chills. I am in a funk. I am not feeling very creative. I am a little weepy… I am tired. As I attempted to pull myself…
Read MoreMondays, Babies, Zits, and Stolen Cars
Today is a Monday if there ever was a Monday. Up to my neck in babies, zits and stolen cars. God, help me believe. Help me believe, help my unbelief. I have to go to the bank to redeposit a deposit that wasn’t properly deposited the first time I deposited it. The foster-love has an…
Read MoreSleepless in Texas: Excuse me while I Ignore You, Common Sense, and Jesus
I am living a sleepless existence. I am still all out of whack from daylight savings time. The entire concept is not from Jesus. Messing with time, which is from the Lord who created it, is blasphemy. On the seventh day He rested. He didn’t rest, except in the spring when He rested less, or…
Read MoreSave This Date… Count it Among Your Best
My son recently left for Marine Bootcamp. Through blurry eyes, I tried to focus on the stunning save the date cards that had just arrived in the mail. Our oldest daughter had a list of things to discuss. My heart and head were divided between belief and unbelief. Honestly, the package and discussion were a…
Read MoreHow to Raise a Loser: A Step by Step Action Plan for Parents
In the midst of being a mom of seven, the revelations are exhausting, parents heed the warning. At 3:30 a.m. I received a text from a college-baby. Actually, four texts, one I may have slept through. College-Baby: I slipped and fell at work and landed on my butt. College-Baby: I can’t sleep it hurts so…
Read MoreYO! Moms of JUST One: the #1 Solution to your Biggest Problem
I have seven. As a mother of seven, I want to know why when a mom of many says to you, “Oh, you JUST have one?” you don’t PUNCH HER IN THE THROAT??? [Tweet ““Oh, you JUST have one?” #onlychild”] Can I just say? This is this most insulting comment one mother can say to…
Read MoreThe Origins of Buffalo Boys, Vandals, Man Babies, Homing Pigeons, and Eagles
The buffalo boy smell is very distinct. Sunshine and sweat, with a hint of fresh cut grass and a little musty dirt and you, have a spicy, pungent smell only a mother could love, err… tolerate. It knows one discretion. Pixie’s get a sunshine smell, vandals get the buffalo boy smell. Our two adopted sons,…
Read MoreDo You Suffer From PMS: Pathetic Mom Syndrome?
I have PMS. But I don’t have a uterus. I don’t get cramps. That is not my excuse for acting like a crazy person. I had a bad case yesterday. The only good thing that went on was that I didn’t have to get ready for bed… cause I was still in my pajamas from…
Read MoreSalvation of a Mom…
The salvation of a mom is harder for a mother to embody. You see, tonight my soul is spread seven ways; serving Pizza and beer at a high-end joint downtown. It’s on a date that’s not a date but might be a date at a later date if it weren’t for all the history of…
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